Ok, so my top ten things I love about fall... in no particular order...
• The South Carolina State Fair- This will be the first time I won't be in Columbia for the fair in four years and that makes me VERY sad. I used to live less than a mile away from the fair grounds, and I would LOVE driving to school and seeing the ferris wheel and the slides, and the swings, and all the other wonderful things about the fair being set up. I am really hoping I'll be able to make it up there this year. I mean, what's October without a funnel cake, right?

• Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin- So I'm walking around the mall the other day and smell a very familiar scent... I take my happy fall-loving-self into Bath & Body Works and there it is...waiting for me... Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin. Room spray, candles galore, car fresheners, lotion, wallflowers, etc. I chose the scentportable and now every time I get into my car I close my eyes and take a deep breathe of the deliciousness that is sweet cinnamon pumpkin. I suggest, that for those of you who have never smelled this scent from God, go. Go now to BB&W and purchase any and everything you can.

• Candy Corn- I'm pretty sure candy corn is available year round, but for some reason, it just tastes better in October. I, of course, eat them like a lady.

South Carolina vs. Ole Miss
Alabama vs. Kentucky
Arkansas vs. Flordia
Auburn vs. Vandy
UGA & LSU have a bye-week but you get the idea... no more stupid teams. It's time for business.

• The Weather- I don't care how cliché it is, with fall comes less humidity, and less humidity = GREAT hair days :o). There were several days this summer when the heat index was well over 100˚- that's just wrong. Not to mention the fact that walking outside on a summer day in late July felt like a flippin' sauna. So yes, cliché or not, I love fall weather.

• Apple Cider- I LOVE apple cider. It's usually my preferred drink at Starbucks- Carmel Apple Cider with Whipped Cream please! It's just so good. I can't even describe it. Walking outside, it not only warms your hands, but insides too! Sure, you could also drink apple cider year round, but it's so much better when heated on the stove and poured into a nice big coffee mug and enjoyed outside in the cool fall weather!

• Corn Mazes- How could anyone not like a corn maze? I've had two different opportunities to go in college, but for some reason, I didn't, and now I regret not going. First off- can it get any more festive than a corn maze? No. Didn't think so. Corn Mazes are so typically fall, but ya know what, I might just have to try one out this year!

• Fires and/or Bonfires- So maybe, I'm a little bit of a pyro- but who isn't? I love listening to a fire in a fireplace and the way it smells. I equally love bonfires- they are SO big. I love going to a gathering where there's a bonfire and apple cider/hot chocolate. Last year, my church had a bonfire/oyster roast. A-mazing. So go and enjoy a fire this fall/winter season!
• Dansko Clogs- I'd like to thank Jenna for introducing me to the best shoes in the world. Well, at least during fall. These shoes are so comfortable and you can wear them with any and everything.

And so, this concludes my top ten things about Fall. I hope you've enjoyed and maybe even become inspired by my loves about Fall. I can't wait to break out my sweaters and Danksos, go over to Starbucks, order myself a Carmel Apple Cider, head over to Lexington Corn Maze or start a bonfire with my friends... yay for Fall!
Oh and btw... GO COCKS!
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