Thanks for the recommendations on travel plans, too! I'm definitely going to be doing some stalking of cheap flights!
Earlier this week I went to Best Buy to

Guys- have you gotten the chance to play with it yet? I am still desperately trying to think of an actual need for this device. It's SO cool. I've talked myself out of it though and I'm saving up for a new iPhone coming out hopefully this June!
I also got my hair done this week. Have ya'll heard of a shampoo called Shimmer Lights?

It's for blondes. Ashlyn suggested I try it since I've been feeling like my hair is getting brassy. It's the coolest stuff. It's purple. Like straight up, "Should I be putting this dark deep purple in my hair?" purple.

Anyway, I think it's working. I only do it twice a week, but I think I'm gonna love it.
Friday, I met up with some of my bible study girls from Columbia! They are in town for my college church's spring retreat! It was awesome getting to see them.
Friday night was Relay for Life at Coastal Carolina. I had never done a Relay before but I am super glad I went. There were a ton of people there! They raised over $60,000 for the American Cancer Society! Here's a few pics from the evening:
Here's to hoping the rest of my weekend is just as awesome!
I've tried that purple shampoo before! However, I used it daily and it turned my hair a tint of blue/gray. lol So I'd stick with twice a week. :)
And the ipad seems like a giant iphone. lol But you can't make phone calls from the ipad!! (So I'd probably save up for the new iphone too lol)
Cancer sucks big time....I am so glad that you were able to go and support such an amazing cause!!!
I used a version of that shampoo, made by Aveeda and had the same results as Lindsay (Bella Cene').....purplish hair from using it daily....whew, had to step away from that!!! Heehee!
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