so it's saturday, and once again, gus hasn't failed to wake me up at 7:15 a.m. on the dot. so after a trip outside, gus' breakfast, another trip outside, i find myself here.
gus has squirmed his way back into bed btw. what
a punk. i need to pack and find something to wear for jill's sh
ower this afternoon. dad and i are leaving for columbia this morning. wedding shower @ 3 p.m., football game @ 7:30 p.m. :o) i hope it gets a little chilly! im bringing my hoodie so i hope i get to wear it!
so yesterday morning i got some really sad news... remember the little kid dad did karaoke with last weekend? well he was in greenville at the shriner's hospital on friday having some rods or something removed and at first i was told he died from complications with anesthesia, but now we found out something about there was a mass or something on or behind his colon? and it ruptured during surgery or something... im not 100% sure how it happened, but i was tore up yesterday. he was the sweetest, smartest, cutest little kid. he had gone through so much in his 5 years here... diagnosed with MD, being in a full body cast for 12 weeks, breaking bones constantly, all the while never complaining.
he could speak english and french fluently, and was above average in his class. at the family weekend day thing, we were talking to him, and his mom had dropped him off, asking if we'd watch him while she went to get some food and of course we said yes, and all of a sudden he started screaming "MOM!!!!" and we said, "Jake what's wrong?" he s
aid "Well she said if I needed her, to holler!"... he was precious. i'm so glad i got to spend that day with him. i know everything happens for a re
ason and God has a plan for each and everyone of us, but right now i am just praying for his family and their tremendous loss... i can't even begin to fathom what losing a child is like... especially Jake.
anyway... happy birthday today nick! it's my friend jenna's husband's birthday today! i got to celebrate last night with them since i'm going out of town tonight... we had friday's and mmmm it was delish! i am all about some spinach dip and jack daniel's chicken strips!
well i hope everyone has a great weekend! i hope we win the game too :o) be back tomorrow!