Wednesday, June 17

Please tell me I can read...

I'm sorry, I know you all are tired of my ranting but seriously folks...

What date does that say?

& What is today?

& is my phone updated?



Anonymous said...

Sorry lady! Hopefully it will magically happen for you today sometime. That is wierd it hasn't already done it. Good luck!

Lis said...

Grrr is right. I hope it happens for you soon!!!

I'm going Friday to upgrade to the new 3GS and I'm just mad that I feel like some Apple nerd who "needs" this crap. But I do..

I'm addicted to my iphone. Do they have help for this?

Ink Obsession Designs said...

I am so annoyed right now...what is the deal with this? Does Apple know what day it is?!? Ugh!

jlc said...

hahahahah! soooo happened to me too!!

and can i just say i love your blog! u have a new reader here love!

jlc said...

hahahahah! soooo happened to me too!!

and can i just say i love your blog! u have a new reader here love!