Good Wednesday afternoon ladies!
I hope you all are having a good week so far, mine's going alright... Monday I had a terrible upset stomach and laid in the bed all day... that part was great, but the sour tummy- not so much!
Yesterday & today have been pretty good, had dinner with mom last night and after work today I plan on going up to the mall to check out a wedding present for this weekend.
Speaking of wedding- does anyone have any hair suggestions? We are doing our own hair this weekend and I am not so great at doing fancy things... I'm thinking about investing in hot rollers... anyone have any they can suggest? Hopefully the weather will hold up for this one like last weekend!

Mom is having shoulder surgery tomorrow- she has a bone spur they are removing. If you guys could keep her in your prayers that'd be greatly appreciated!
Last little thing... has anyone else fallen in love with the new Rob Thomas CD? Cradlesong? I downloaded it last night and can't stop listening to it!

Praying for your mom!
I have the same old tired hot rollers I had in high school, so I'm no help to you there!
Sending good ju ju her way! I like taking a little piece of hair just above each ear and pulling it back with a little flower back there. Kind of a hippie chick look, but looks great with dresses!
Praying for your mom.
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