I am super proud of me and my dad. We were gone for 8 days and we managed to see 17 family members! Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, a grandpa & a great aunt! We stopped in Harrisonburg, VA, West Oneonta, NY, Clearbrook, VA & Springfield, VA. We saw 4 little league games, 2 movies (Transformers 2 & Year One) and 1 swim meet that lasted 5 hours. Went to Dairy Queen (where my cousin has her fist job!) 3 times and went shopping at the mall in Albany, NY and played about a billion games of poker. We also consumed way too many cupcakes, that weren't actually cupcakes at all- more like mini cakes. They were huge! Anyway, here are some pics from the trip!

Ok, I'm not related to this kid, but I had to document this... there were a lot of other guy swimmers at the meet and he was the ONLY one wearing a speedo. My 8 year old cousin said "Oh yea, he's a show off..." haha it was too funny.

Glad you're back safe and sound. And I'm so jealous you went to H&M. <3 to the old people and football season, wahoo.
Lots of fragments, sweet jesus.
awe, great photos!
I enjoyed the pics. I am glad you guys had fun!
Loved your poka face! What a busy trip for real!
I missed you and I am glad that you are back, we have to play soon....
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