Miserable Monday

- The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
- Losing your iPod
- Non-recreational use of handcuffs
- drinks with algae
- antigone
- existential despair
- financial planning
- zombies
- conspiracies
- conspiracy theories
- television executives
- tests
- bones
- dogs wearing too many ruffles
- women wearing too many ruffles
- red tape
- pet hair
- lost milk carton tops
- football players with necks the size of most people's thighs
- willful ignorance
- over cooked vegetables
- the self-conscious use of literary devices
- watching other men hit on your wife
- people who speak in codes you don't understand
- arachnophobia
- rainbow parties
- the nail polish odor associated with diabetes
- old cars that break down all the time
1 comment:
Wilful ignorance.
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