Ok so I've enjoyed reading all of your blogs about how much you despise Kanye West after his actions last night. I am totally on the same page. My favorite tweet/facebook update from last night was by far "Does Kanye think he's going to get more street cred by picking on Taylor Swift?" I just really don't know what was going through his head that he thought "Oh this is a good idea." Anyway... he just apologized for a third time on Jay Leno and he really did seem upset about it. Maybe not upset that he hurt her, but upset that people were mad at him. I dunno, I still think he's a jerk. Moving on.
Did anybody else catch this at the end of Jay-Z's performance? Who is this chick?

Hahaha I was wondering the same thing..I think it's Lil Mama, but what the crap is she doing there, and where did she come from?!
haha That was my guess too - Lil Mama. So random.
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