#1- I totally won a Starbucks giftcard from Becky over at The Branches for guessing correctly on the sex of her baby! Yay me! I can't wait to get some pumpkin spice lattes and caramel apple ciders! And yay for Becky having a baby! Random thought-she totally looks like one of my best friends from college and every time I read her blog I have to remember it's not Oxana.

#2- I have to call the eye doctors back tomorrow to discuss my options about the eye/contact situation. I've been wearing the -12.00's all weekend & I have noticed I'm still squinting and I just feel uncomfortable in them. Ugh. Pray for me.
#3- My parents are going to Asheville/Bryson City area of North Carolina tomorrow for a week to see some fall foliage. I am a bit jealous, but I am VERY excited to have the house to myself for a WHOLE week!

Which brings me to some things I want to accomplish this week. Ya'll know I love some lists.
- Organize/clean-out closet &dresser for Fall/Winter
- Make a Goodwill stop from said clean-out
- Hit up the grocery store
- Anybody have some good recipes for cooking for one? I'm gonna do some research in a bit.
- Exercise-walk/run with dogs, Wii Fit :o)
- Apply for every job I possibly can find on the internet
- Drop off some resumés at local places
- Finish Logo for a friend's new business
- Re-organize our kitchen cabinets: They suck. Straight up. Quick story: We remodeled our whole house in December 2007. My parents aren't as organized as they like to think they are, and when stuff went back into the new cabinets, it was kind of like, okay this fits here, and this can go here for now. Well, 2 years later and it's so annoying when you're trying to cook in there. I can't find anything!
- Get & carve a pumpkin
- Get caught up on all my DVR'd TV shows because... a new 30 Rock FINALLY comes on this Thursday! I can't wait!

Yay for winning giveaways! The comforter in my pics is from Target. It is part of their Simply Shabby Chic line. Its not the softest thing, but I love the way it looks.
sounds like a productive and busy week for you!!! good luck with your list. it's great and is motivating me to make one!
I love lists too. I have to make one for this week! Congrats on winning, that's always so exciting!
Yay for your SB giftcard! I won one from PIPM, and I am going to use it today I think! Your to-do list is full, so you better get busy! haha
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