Miserable Monday

- Cognitive dissonance
- White subtitles in black-and-white movies
- ATM transaction fees
- Not having peripheral vision while wearing glasses
- Attractive people who wear baggy clothes
- Having to read Old English poems in the original
- Impenetrable academic writing supported by large grants
- Recent Woody Allen films
- The difficulty of owning a restaurant
- People who get everything handed to them on a silver platter
- Your global multimedia empire's lackluster profits this quarter
- Wi-Fi hot spots that are actually cold
- The Victorian novel
- Sentences that begin with "When I was your age..."
- Gun-toting psychopaths, especially when they run countries
- Children who grow up to be a stupid as their parents
This list cracks me up! Have a good day girl!
How about being a teacher and seeing how true the saying, "The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree".
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