First off...
I got a JOB!
Found it on last Wednesday, talked to the guy and set up an interview Tuesday morning and they offered me the job! I am a working woman! I started today- it was busy. I created two new ads and a business card design for a rep. It's gonna be pretty busy these first few week! Just more stuff to ad to my portfolio!
Ok so now on the one of the best weekends EVER!
I drove down to Savannah on Friday morning... got there about 11 AM. It was almost exactly four hours.
Sarah & Matt have made their apartment such a beautiful home! Here are some pics of the cuteness that is Lincoln Street:
Sarah & I took Tahoe (her dog) on a walk around her block, then she showed me her hospital that she works at and then we headed downtown. We found a parking space FINALLY and walked around Broughton & River Street and did tacky tourist things. We went to the coolest store called the Paris Market. They sold vintage furniture mostly- but a TON of other totally random/somewhat useless things. See pics for some examples...
Go Cocks!
Next on the list- PAULA DEEN'S! We had dinner reservations @ 6PM for the Lady & Sons. It was so amazing- we got the buffet- garlic cheese biscuit, ho-cake, salad, fried chicken, low country boil, mashed potatoes, mac n' cheese, green beans, corn casserole, and peach cobbler.
I was NOT on my diet that night!
We went back to Sarah's & watched Twilight :o)
Saturday, we got up early & went to the gym (worked off all that bad stuff from the night before) came back & showered, then headed downtown. We ate at the CUTEST little café for lunch - The Express Café.
I felt like I was in Paris. I got a chicken salad sandwich & caesar salad, and then we split the most AMAZING bread pudding I've ever had in my life.
I'm not even kidding. We forgot to take a picture before we demolished it in a matter of 0.5 seconds. So this is all you get of it. Sorry!
We took a carriage ride around the historic part of Savannah. It was super fun b/c we were the only people & our driver was super nice. I took a ton of pictures-Savannah is the most beautiful place ever!

We went to City Market too so I could get my mom some pralines!
We also found a super awesome painting of a Westie that I totally would have bought if I was a millionaire... I took a picture instead and made it my background on my phone! How cute is he?
We then went to Gap before our Spa Day! The Gap in Savannah only has women's clothing- fine by me- and it was super big. The dressing rooms were really fun too- they wrote Sarah's name on the outside so she'd know where her stuff was! It was super cute & organized- two of my favorite things!
When we got there, we had a 30 minute massage...
Changed into robes... and waited in the super cute waiting room for them to come get us for the next thing. Since Matt booked us the Spa stuff... every time they called us, they'd say "Matt Party" or "Mr. & Mrs. Matt" and we were like... "that's us." It was funny.
While we were waiting we looked through some random magazines they had out... and Sarah found this awesome ad for a monkey baby doll that was NOT FOR CHILDREN. Seriously, the ad specifically said that.
Had a facial and then a manicure. It was such a fun experience- I'd never had a facial before- it was awesome how soft and fresh my face felt... it's definitely something I'd like to do more often!
When we left the Salon it was POURING rain. I'm not talking about a shower, I'm talking a CRAP LOAD of rain. It was scary- the storm was RIGHT over our head- before the lightening stopped the thunder had already CRACKED over our head. We hid in this honey store until it stopped raining long enough for us to run to our car. That night we all cooked something for dinner- Matt made chicken, Sarah made green beans & I made squash. It was a lovely meal :o)
Sunday, we got up and went to church. Matt & Sarah go to this church called Tapestry- it's a fairly new church, there were only about 40 people there, and it was in a movie theater- which was kinda cool. They had a band to do worship music and a great message about margins in our lives. We went to Wendy's for lunch and went back to Sarah's to change.
We went to Chippewa Square (FORREST GUMP SQUARE) to do all the cheesy Forrest stuff :o) We took so many pictures of everything Gump related. I couldn't help myself. It's my favorite movie of all time. Deal with it.
After that, we went to Bonaventure Cemetery - where parts of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil was filmed.
This was probably one of my favorite parts of the weekend- it was amazing. It was so cool to be standing in the same place that people 100 years ago were standing... It was just beautiful.
All of the azaela's were in bloom all over the cemetery. The Spanish Moss hanging off the oak trees was SO crazy. I kept doing 360's - I mean everywhere you looked it was beauty. Typical Southern City.
We had chili for dinner that night and watched Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil... interesting story- it all takes place in Savannah so we were all pointing out things that we knew of.. it was cool.
Monday I got up and packed and we went back to the Express Café for breakfast.
I got scrambled eggs w/ cheddar, whole wheat toast & spinach and feta quiche.
And I of course got some bread pudding to take home :o)
If you are still reading my ramblings about this weekend- kudos. Savannah is seriously my new favorite place and I CANNOT wait to go back!!
1. Congratulations on the new job.
2. GREAT news about your mom!!
3. Savannah looks like it was a ton of fun- and that buffet at Paula Deen's sounds delicious!
Wow - what an amazing weekend trip! Big CONGRATS on the new job as well :)
Wow!!! You were super busy and I love that you packed so much into a short span of time!!!
It is so funny that you got those pics in Gap without being caught, the company is pretty funny about that...I have to stop people from taking pics in the store all the time.
Did you guys get to share the "big" room like you do in my store???
Paula Deen's is definitely not diet, but sounds wonderful!!!
Glad you are back home and thanks for the walk down memory lane, Ken and I spent our honeymoon there.
haha, it was a busy weekend!
no one really said anything to me about the pics, i took them on my phone, so maybe they didn't notice lol. i did it just for you kiks!
i actually didn't try anything on, just sarah, i DID get those capri workout pants though, and my friend angel said the other day "those pants make you look really tiny" haha! i said thanks!
im glad you enjoyed the pics- im sure i'll be in sometime this weekend! i got your email- thanks! you're the best!
congrats on the job!
savannah is on my list for May... so fun!
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