- Returning from a long war to find your wife besieged by suitors
- Snarling toddlers
- Invalids who look grateful when spoken to
- Writers who don't waste time reading
- The death of haberdashery as an apprenticed craft
- The Village of Tiger Widows, full of women whose husbands were killed by tigers
- Comic book conventions
- The marriage prospects of 18th-century British peasants
- Heterosexual Flight Attendants
- Being your husbands secretary
- Chaucer's use of meter
- Weekly breakfast dates with elderly women
- Critics who delight in savagely cruel reviews
- Artistic impulses exhausted by marriage
- Adults who ask the waiter which dish is the yummiest
- The lack of fact-checkers for the Bible
- Vacations within a mile radius of home
- Missing key body parts

Missing key body parts?! WTF? Hhahha, made Monday a teeny tiny part better. Thanks!
I don't know why but I can't stop laughing at this...
"Returning from a long war to find your wife besieged by suitors"
I love your miserable Monday lists. They are DEAD on!
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