1. American Idol-
Adam sang/screamed "Mad World", "Change gonna come" & a craptastic song written by the craptastic judge Kara.
Kris sang "Ain't no sunshine", "What's goin' on" & the again craptastic song by Kara.
This is the first year I've watched idol and haven't had a favorite. I really do like both guys. They are so different... I think though, that Kris will appeal to more people, he's not as harsh. With Adam, you either LOVE him or you don't.
I am voting, b/c I feel like if I don't, I'm a terrible idol fan. But I don't have my whole heart in it this year. Kris has my vote mainly b/c of his performance of Kanye's "Heartless" last week.
Who do you want to win?

From the moment I saw/heard this preview of the show, I know I was going to love it. Who wouldn't like "Don't stop believin'" & "Rehab" sung in choir fashion? I don't want to know the people who don't!
I think Fox did a great job casting and I wish it were a summer series! I'm sad that I have to wait until the fall to get my Glee fix! I already downloaded the Journey classic on iTunes. Yea, I'm awesome.

Kris! All the way! You're right when you say Adam is kind of harsh!
I am all about this Glee show!
Also, I voted for Kris mainly because I cannot stand Adam and his cocky self!
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