Hope you all had a great week! It's been a very busy one for me!
I know I posted about this a few days ago, but I still need your help!
Watch our lil cheer as many times as you can stand it! For example, I have a tab open with the video running and I just keep hitting replay and go back to whatever page I was working on. Also, if you're paying attention to the view counter- it doesn't update every time you watch it. I haven't figured out when it updates, but eventually it does. :o) Thanks in advance ladies!!!
Other fun news-today when I get off, I'm going to Best Buy with Dad to look at cameras! I've had my heart set on the Cannon Rebel EOS Xsi, but I'm broadening my horizon and might step into the Nikon world. The reason I want a Canon is b/c I'm familiar with their settings and how everything works b/c I've used their SLRs before. But I'm thikning a Nikon can't be THAT much different. Let me know if any of you are Nikon or Canon people! I'd love any advice you all have!

And lastly, but certainly not least, Sunshine Meg is getting married tomorrow!!! Head over to her blog and give her some warm fuzzies :o)

We have the Canon Rebel and it is AMAZING...I recommended it 100%
Let me know how you like which ever one you get. I'd really like to get a nice camera for certain occasions, but I don't know much about any of them.
I am a Nikon gal...but honestly they are both great cameras and you can't go wrong with either one!
I would check out Ken Rockwell's site, he has great reviews of cameras.
Okay, here is the link to the Canon Rebel review...hopefully this helps!
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