I feel like I've been starting every new post with an apology lately! I really am sorry I haven't been a better blogger! I promise I have been a silent blog stalker though! I gotta do some serious scheduled posts or something!
It's just that since I started working at Gap, and then on my days off I'm working for a friend in his home office, I haven't had a TON of free time! And when I do have a down moment, it's for eating, sleeping & spending time with my friends & family!
Oh and also on the Gap front- I'm supposed to find out sometime next week if I got the Brand Visual Merchandising Expert job. :o) Cross your fingers ladies!
Anyway. So what have I been up to?
Working and enjoying my discount! I may have purchased these items the other day...

And a super cute plaid shirt that I can't find on the website, but I'll show ya'll later when I wear it :o)
Old Navy is also having a great sale this week-50% off their outerwear! I got this coat last night. It has a BEAUTIFUL bright yellow silk lining. I can't wait to wear this one!

Ok so no more shopping for me. Gotta start saving for Christmas presents!
Also- 12 more days till NEW MOON! Ah! I definitely made this my iPhone background yesterday :o)

On a super cute note-I had breakfast yesterday with Angel & Jenna. Angel has to wait a few more weeks until she finds out the sex of her baby so we decided to play the game with a ring and a string. I think she's having a girl, and Jenna said boy. So we did the string game and it said girl! woo! Anyway, we made a bet that if Jenna wins, she gets to pick out the going home outfit of baby. If I win, I get to put gamecock stuff all over that kid! I can't wait! I mean, I'm gonna do it anyway, but it's still fun :o)

Anyway, hope you all had a great weekend!

It's just that since I started working at Gap, and then on my days off I'm working for a friend in his home office, I haven't had a TON of free time! And when I do have a down moment, it's for eating, sleeping & spending time with my friends & family!
Oh and also on the Gap front- I'm supposed to find out sometime next week if I got the Brand Visual Merchandising Expert job. :o) Cross your fingers ladies!
Anyway. So what have I been up to?
Working and enjoying my discount! I may have purchased these items the other day...

And a super cute plaid shirt that I can't find on the website, but I'll show ya'll later when I wear it :o)
Old Navy is also having a great sale this week-50% off their outerwear! I got this coat last night. It has a BEAUTIFUL bright yellow silk lining. I can't wait to wear this one!

Ok so no more shopping for me. Gotta start saving for Christmas presents!
Also- 12 more days till NEW MOON! Ah! I definitely made this my iPhone background yesterday :o)

On a super cute note-I had breakfast yesterday with Angel & Jenna. Angel has to wait a few more weeks until she finds out the sex of her baby so we decided to play the game with a ring and a string. I think she's having a girl, and Jenna said boy. So we did the string game and it said girl! woo! Anyway, we made a bet that if Jenna wins, she gets to pick out the going home outfit of baby. If I win, I get to put gamecock stuff all over that kid! I can't wait! I mean, I'm gonna do it anyway, but it's still fun :o)

Anyway, hope you all had a great weekend!

1 comment:
hey! how do i get a hold of you for invitations?!
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